[Diagnosing Fauci’s Book](https://wbbsec.com/opinions-and-features/diagnosing-faucis-book-on-call-a-doctors-journey-in-public-service/)
[Diagnosing Fauci’s Book](https://wbbsec.com/opinions-and-features/diagnosing-faucis-book-on-call-a-doctors-journey-in-public-service/)

Will The Fed Decide The Fate Of Any Biden Or Trump Healthcare Plan?

In his latest Forbes online commentary, Dr. Steve Brozak explains how the Fed’s decision to hold rates will affect U.S. healthcare. In this article, he describes how interest rates are a greater challenge to privately funded healthcare systems than to publicly funded models. He writes, “the more privately-oriented a country’s healthcare capital structure is, the more sensitive to changes in interest rates it will be.”

Read More about Will The Fed Decide The Fate Of Any Biden Or Trump Healthcare Plan?

Lilly’s GLP-1 Direct-To-Consumer Move, Changes The “Game Changer” Game

In his latest Forbes Online commentary, Lilly’s GLP-1 Direct-To-Consumer Move, Changes The “Game Changer” Game, Steve Brozak describes how a class of drugs, intended to treat Type 2 diabetes patients, has become a fad drug for people who want to lose weight to look good. This has transformed the market for a drug intended for a specific purpose into a multi-billion dollar market and introduces the potential for serious, life-long disabilities afflicting millions of Americans.

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A Charlie Munger Legacy – The Healthy Returns And Health Conundrum

Charlie Munger, investing Titan and Warren Buffet’s business partner, passed away on November 28th, a month shy of his 100th birthday. Regardless of one’s opinion of Munger the man, there can be no doubt that his life influenced investing and business, quite literally, affecting the entire world. But what if his greatest impact was on the health of the globe?

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Even Without A Shutdown – The 5 Healthcare Issues For Speaker Johnson

A government shutdown appears to have been averted with the Continuing Resolution passed in the House yesterday. But attention to the existential threat to the U.S. Healthcare System that Congress will inevitably face has been largely ignored during this time of international and domestic turmoil. In a Forbes online commentary this morning, Steve Brozak identifies five urgent healthcare system needs that, if ignored, will lead to a moment of truth that will rival even the pressure of a government shutdown.

Read More about Even Without A Shutdown – The 5 Healthcare Issues For Speaker Johnson