[Lifeline, A Musical That Raises The Alarm On Antimicrobial Resistance](https://wbbsec.com/opinions-and-features/lifeline-a-musical-that-raises-the-alarm-on-antimicrobial-resistance/)
[Lifeline, A Musical That Raises The Alarm On Antimicrobial Resistance](https://wbbsec.com/opinions-and-features/lifeline-a-musical-that-raises-the-alarm-on-antimicrobial-resistance/)

12.30.2021 | Forbes

By Steve Brozak

Make no mistake, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Covid-19 guidelines pronouncement at a White House audio-only press conference yesterday was not about elucidating the science around Omicron’s spread. Nor were the announced changes, as also suggested, directed at saving the economy. The nation’s public health leaders should have been far more forthcoming. The press conference, where leaders detailed that currently mandated isolation periods of 10 days for the Covid-19 infected can now be cut in half, was about changing the rules in response to the alarming implication of a simple math calculation.

Here’s the truth about what the CDC isn’t saying. Given Omicron’s velocity of spread, it is only a matter of time before many American hospitals and healthcare facilities will be overwhelmed. Within about two weeks because of minimum required staffing levels, we could see disruptions in what we have come to expect in critical care, forget about routine medicine. Without the new shorter quarantine guidelines under present conditions, so many staff members would be infected by then that they would be unable to work because they would have to be in mandatory isolation. By cutting the mandated isolation period in half, the CDC has bought us a little extra time – about a month or so — and “magically” made more staff available to hospitals and everywhere else.

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