11.21.20 | Forbes
By Steve Brozak
Yesterday morning, the CNBC Co-Anchor of “Squawk on the Street,” Jim Cramer said something that all Americans reeling from the pain of Covid-19 suspect. In an interview with Operation Warp Speed’s Chief Science Advisor, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, Cramer challenged the depiction of the administration’s “plan” for an organized distribution and delivery of Covid-19 vaccine(s) and described the current situation as pure chaos with a huge gap in planning. It was a much-needed challenge to the current superficial US Government’s CDC description of vaccine implementation with all of its missing details. Below is an excerpt of Cramer’s most telling words and his direct assessment should give pause to any American holding positive expectations for a smooth vaccine distribution.

Jim Cramer discussing COVID vaccine distribution with Moncef Slaoui. SOURCE: CNBC SQUAWK ON THE STREET NOVEMBER 20, 2020
Cramer’s Critical Words:
No one knows what’s going to happen. You think CVS knows what’s going to happen? You go to your CVS in two weeks and they’re going to say ‘listen, when we get the plan, we are ready to roll.’ I have done the homework on this, sir. You are not ready, and it’s not just that you don’t have enough vaccines, it’s just because no one has a plan down there.
Succinctly, the immediate takeaway is that nothing will be accomplished without clear instructions, and given the Trump Administration’s checkered history with any Covid-19 operations, that might be asking too much. That leaves us with the needed planning to be done by the forthcoming Biden administration, which stresses the need for immediate cooperation between the current task force and the incoming administration’s COVID task force (Which is currently not even legal!).
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